C.L.G.: Rang 1 agus Rang 11 participated in a very successful football blitz on Friday last. All pupils returned with a medal to ensure and encourage them to join their local club and to get involved in physical activity during the summer months.
Interactive Whiteboards: In conjunction with the Parents Council/B.O.M it is envisaged that all mainstream classrooms will be equipped with an interactive whiteboard, on your child’s return to school in September. This is a major undertaking for all concerned with an investment of €30,000 involved. It is hoped that this will be paid for over a number of years, as it a long term investment in your child’s education.
Leabhair: You will have received your child’s booklist for 2010-2011 by now. A school bookshop takes place in the school hall on Tuesday 20th July from 12.00noon to 4.00pm to facilitate parents. This is in conjunction with Walsh’s Bookshop in Dungarvan. Alternatively you may with to buy them in their shop in Dungarvan, or in Liam Russell’s, Oliver Plunkett St., Cork.
Book Scheme: Pupils from third to sixth are facilitated re a book rental scheme. Book lists which if bought new cost in the region of €150, while the book rental scheme is available for €40 which includes the school diary. In order to stagger school costs this can be paid during the coming week, if you so wish, or in September. Kindly keep your receipt in a safe place to avoid any confusion
An Fáinne Airgid: Rang VI were presented with An Fáinne Airgid insane hall recently. It marked their departure and the ceremony incorporated, ceol, rince, amhrán aíocht agus caint.
Culaith Scoile: Full grey uniform, light grey skirt or pinafore, light grey pants (Hunter Brand only), which is available in Neville’s Drapery and Flavins Sports. Other brands are not acceptable as they vary in colour/quality. We wish the school uniform to be just that ‘uniform’.
· Black shoes only. Velcro fasteners instead of laces are advisable for junior infants.
· School tracksuit should be worn on P.E. days. This is also available in Neville’s or Flavins. School T-shirt incorporating the school crest is part of your child’s P.E. attire and is also required.
· Ensure that your child’s clothing is clearly marked/labelled. School jumpers/tracksuit tops can get lost or mixed up very easily. This can be avoided by clear labelling of your child’s uniform and tracksuit.