Coirm Cheoil na Nollag takes place on Dé Máirt 21ú/Tuesday 21st next. We are please to inform you that Christmas Concert 2010 takes place in the school hall next Tuesday. Even though our ‘staff room’ is now located on the stage, a concert involving Naíonain Bheaga, Naíonain Mhóra agus Rang 1 is going ahead, main dramas are supplemented by interval acts from Rang VI, Rang IV, agus Rang II. This is only possible with the co-operation of all the staff, as practice and preparation is underway in the classroom and hall floor, which is not ideal but is feasible due to the willingness and enthusiasm of all concerned.
Míle buíochas.
Clár Ama.
Naí Bheaga (Rang Ailbhe) @10.00am.
Rang 1 (Rang Úna) @ 10.20am.
Naí Bheaga (Rang Julie) @ 10.40am.
Naí Mhóra (Rang Póilín) @ 11.00am.
Rang 1 (Rang Liam) @ 11.20am.Cead Isteach -- €5.Crannchur na Nollag: The Parents’ Council earnestly asks you to support the Parents’ Annual Christmas Draw. Kindly sell/buy the two books of tickets if possible. All monies are re-generated into your child’s education at school. Thanking you if you have already done so.
Go raibh maith agat